Will Israeli Evil Dream for Palestine Come True?Tel Aviv has evil scenarios to Palestine from dividing Palestinian ranks to annexing the West Bank and its success depends on national Palestinian behavior.
Christians and other ethno-religious communities. Other influential figures at the Islamic Movement hold the same line of approach. Self-restraint in the front of the army’s pressures depict the Movement’s peacefulness, contrary to the Salafi and takfiri groups which are involved in orga ...
Christians and the Jews in Nicaragua. The aim was demonization of the pro-resistance politicians in the eyes of the voters in religious-majority constituencies. This came while the Anastasio Somoza Debayle, Western-supported dictator of Nicaragua, was provided by arms by the Israeli regime. After Sa ...
Christian faiths are playing in trends that, if left unchecked, could have truly terrifying consequences. Both of these extremist groups are heavily influenced by colonial ambitions that often supersede their religious underpinning.
In Part I of this two-part series, MintPress examines the growth ...
Christian Zionists in the United States and England were already seeking to direct and influence the foreign policy of both nations in service to a religious obsession end times prophecy. The largest pro-Israel organization in the United States is not composed of Jews, but of Christian evangelicals, ...
Christian Phalangists also killed civilians especially the women and children under a cover provided to them by the Israeli forces. Many pregnant women’s stomachs were cut and many young women were gang-raped by the aggressors.
The case of such big massacres, seizure of lands, destructi ...
Christian and Muslim Palestinians will determine, together, the political system of their country by participating in a referendum. That which should definitely go is the Zionist regime, since Zionism is a bizarre invention which has been fabricated in the name of Judaism and is totally alien to tha ...
Christian supporters abroad to “win the battle of the narrative”.
Jackman further highlights that Bicom has established a satellite organization, We Believe in Israel, “with the explicit purpose of mobilizing and resourcing an army of loyalists to challenge detractors, ...
Christians and Kurds.
Its formation goes back to the summer of 2014, shortly after ISIS, the world’s most notorious terror group, managed to occupy large swathes of territory in Iraq.
The lightning gains made by the terrorists caught Iraq's national army off guard, pushing government for ...
Christians as “internal others” and campaigned for the creation of a Hindu state minus Muslims, who constitute roughly 15 percent of the country’s population.
According to Indian media reports, 71 percent of Modi’s cabinet today has an RSS background, which explains t ...
Christians or Christian Zionists, is not far from expected, but these figures are definitely a big change for a society that has a powerful Zionist lobby with full media, such as the Murdoch media empire, and political, like AIPAC, and financial tools that for decades promoted a singular voice conce ...